“I’m passionate about helping business owners to get the right real estate advice so that their business can thrive.”
Navigating the complex world of commercial leasing can be daunting, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. That's where Dylan O'Donnell and LPC steps in, offering balanced guidance and support to businesses in need.
"LPC is a commercial real estate firm dedicated exclusively to serving the needs of tenants," Dylan explains. "Originally, it stood for Learmonth Property Consulting and is a well-established business with offices nationally and in Auckland. I joined around three years ago to set up the Melbourne office, so LPC is relatively new to Melbourne."
Dylan’s passion for empowering businesses and reshaping the tenant-landlord dynamic is clear.
"My focus is on shifting long-standing norms around leasing," Dylan shares. "Owners and investors have historically had the upper hand in leasing negotiations, but we're here to level the playing field.”
"Quite often, small businesses aren't aware that our type of service exists," he continues ruefully. "When they do find us, it's usually after they've made a mistake."
Dylan finds great satisfaction in advocating for his clients’ tenancy rights.
"We lobby hard for businesses to get better protections in leases," Dylan affirmed. "And we're on a mission to ensure that every tenant has access to the information they need to make informed decisions."
So LPC's impact extends far beyond boardroom contract negotiations. Through initiatives like networking events and educational seminars, Dylan and his team have a goal to future-proof business ventures of all shapes and sizes.
Dylan smiles: "We’re about more than just transactions. We want to help businesses to build relationships and to foster a sense of empowerment so they can be stronger together."
Words by Joyce Watts & Photography by Anna Encio